How do I pay my matching fee or weekly quote?

SRS Homestay has 5 payment options

  1. Credit Card (additional transaction fees for credit card processing).  Your payment will be processed immediately.  This is the preferred method for any urgent payments. 
  2. Internet Banking. Transfer your payment from your bank account to the SRS bank account.
  3. Direct Deposit (In person at any Bank of America Branch). Ask the bank representative to deposit the money into our bank account.
  4. Wire transfer. Make payment by overseas bank account. You are responsible for any bank fees charged by the sending bank.   Allow 7-10 days for payment to be processed.
  5. AliPay (Up to 3% surcharge).  Go to the SRS website and log in to your account.  Payment will be processed once the QR code is scanned and authorized via Alipay.

For complete instructions on how to pay your quote, please click HERE.