How To Complete A Host Profile?

This guides you through the process of creating a StudentRoomStay host family profile.

Table of Contents

Basic Account Registration

After the email verification is completed, the provider will be taken to the basic account information form. 

Even if you received a registration link from a StudentRoomStay representative you will still need to complete the Basic Account Registration page before accessing the rest of your data. 

Step 1: Your Hosting Preferences 

Hosting Gender Preferences

The profile starts by asking what your hosting preferences are for gender and for age.

References for Hosting under 18 students

If you are interested in hosting under 18 year old students, you will be required to provide two references and select the checkbox to confirm StudentRoomStay is authorized to reach out to your references.

The Reference Phone number needs to be in the following format: 0000000000. 

References may include family members, neighbors, former students you have hosted, or anyone who can provide insight into your and your family's character and experience with hosting students.

Meal Package for Over 18 Year Old Students

Select if you would be willing to provide students over the age of 18 years old with meals.

  • Complete meals - you are willing to provide 3 meals everyday
  • Traditional meals - you are willing to provide 2 meals (breakfast and dinner) on weekdays and 3 meals on weekends
  • Dinner Only - you are only willing to provide dinner only
  • Breakfast Only - you are only willing to provide breakfast only
  • No Meals - you are not willing to provide any meals

Daily Transportation

If you can provide transportation to and from school during the weekdays, please select "Yes". Please note: Daily transportation is a requirement that host families must provide to under 18 year olds.

Minimum Monthly Room Only Rent

In this section, enter your minimum monthly rent that you prefer for your guest. This isn't the accommodation rate that will be charged to students, however this pricing will be used to help us match you.

Student's Country of Origin

Here you can indicate your preferred countries for hosting students.

Step 2: Home Details


Add your address here. We use your address to determine whether or not you meet the distance requirements for a potential student match.  

Number of Bedrooms in Home

Provide the total number of bedrooms in your home that are available for student accommodation, even if some bedrooms are not currently in use.

Rooms Available for Students

Use the "+" on the top right corner to add a Student Room. This is will populate two questions:

  • Room Type 
    • Private Room v.s Shared Room
      • Please indicate whether the room is private or shared with another person.
    • Bed Type (Queen, King, Twin, etc.)
      • Here you can indicate the size of bed that you have in the room.
  • Bathroom Type.
    • Private Bathroom vs Shared Bathroom
  • Please be sure that number of Student Room(s) added equal the Number of Bedrooms in Home question. For example, if you have three rooms that you plan to offer to students, there should be three Student Rooms options added.
  • To delete a Student Room simply click the "X" button. 


Select all of the amenities that your home has to offer.


Select all the options that apply to your specific neighborhood.

Additional Information About Home

Add any additional information about the details of your home here. A few details you should share:

  • Square footage of the home
  • Year home was built

Step 3: About Your/Lifestyle

Cultural Background

Select one of the options or decline to respond.

Alcohol Consumed in Home

Indicate if you consume any alcohol in your home.

Guest Consuming Alcohol in Home

Indicate if you are comfortable with a student over the age of 21 consuming alcohol on your property.

Household Members Who Smoke

Indicate if any residents on your property smoke and the type of smoking products.

Students Smoking

Indicate if students are allowed to smoke on your property.

Firearms in Home

Indicate if you have any firearms on your property.

Catering to Special Dietary Requirements

Indicate if are able to cater to special dietary requirements that the student might have. If you are, please indicate which dietary requirements exactly you are able to cater to.Typical Host Family Meals

Select which meals you typically make in your home. You can select more than one.

Language spoken at home

Select the primary language that you speak with your residents in your home.

Second language spoken at home

This is not a require field, but you can indicate if you speak a second language in your home.

Families Hobbies and Interest

Select all of the fun things you and your family like to do. You can select multiple options. You can select fun things that you would like to do with the student as well.

Guest Welcome

Using a few sentences, please provide a warm welcoming message to your student. It is important that you keep your message positive and welcoming. You want to create an atmosphere for the student that ensures they feel at ease and are excited about their stay. Here are a few examples:

"Welcome to our home! We are so excited to have you stay with us and look forward to getting to know you better. Please make yourself comfortable, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. We're here to help you settle in and feel at home."

"Hello and welcome! We are thrilled to have you as part of our family during your stay. We know being in a new place can be exciting and a little overwhelming, but we're here to make the transition as smooth as possible. Feel free to ask us anything or let us know how we can help. We can’t wait to share our home and experiences with you!"

"Welcome to our home! We’re so happy to have you with us. Our home is your home now, so please feel free to make yourself comfortable and settle in. We’re excited to learn about your culture and to share ours with you. We’re here to support you in any way you need as you start this exciting journey!"

"Welcome to your new home away from home! We’re excited to have you here and can’t wait to introduce you to our favorite local spots. Don’t worry about anything—our goal is to make you feel comfortable, safe, and part of the family. Looking forward to many great conversations and memories together!"

Brief Summary

Provide a summarized description of your family and lifestyle as a whole. 

"Our family is very active and loves spending time outdoors. On weekends, you’ll often find us hiking, biking, or exploring nearby parks. We value staying healthy and enjoy cooking fresh, homemade meals together. Evenings are usually spent relaxing, reading, or watching a good movie. We’re excited to share our love for nature and adventure with you!"

"We’re a laid-back family that enjoys spending time together at home. Our evenings are typically quiet, filled with good conversation or a favorite TV show. We love cooking and trying new recipes, and we often gather for family meals. On weekends, we enjoy relaxing, going for walks, and occasionally visiting friends or family nearby. Our home is a warm and cozy space, and we look forward to welcoming you into it!"

Step 4: Household Residents

In this section, please list all residents that are in your home and would interact with the student(s). If you have additional international students from a different company please email to let us know. Please do not list them below.

Click the "+" button to add residents and pets:

If you want to add residents that are over 18 years old, click the "+" button next to "Other adult residents (18+) currently living in the household".

Complete all necessary fields. Please note that a photo will be required.

If you want to add residents that are under 18 years old, click the "+" button next to "Under 18 residents currently living in the household".

Complete all necessary fields. Please note that a photo will be required.

If you want to add pets, click the "+" button next to "Pets currently living in the household".

Complete all necessary fields. Please note that a photo will be required.

You will need to click the "+" button each time you want to add a new resident.

Clicking the red "X" deletes the entry for a resident or pet.

Step 5: Photos

Photos play a crucial role in your profile as they create the first impression for students considering staying with you. High-quality images that showcase your home and family can significantly enhance your appeal as a host. It is essential to present yourself and your living space in the best light to attract potential students. For tips on how to effectively add photos to your profile.

To complete your profile, you are required to provide at least one of the following photos: 

  • Featured Photos
    • This photo will be prominently displayed at the top of your public host family profile, so be sure it effectively showcases your family!
  • Family Photos
    • This photo should feature you, if you are the sole household member, or include a picture of you along with all other members of your household.
  • Front of Your Home
    • This photo should capture a clear and appealing view of the exterior of your home, showcasing its entrance and surrounding area.
  • Student's Room
    • Please provide photos of each room available for student accommodation. If you have more than one room, be sure to include images for all of them to give potential students a clear view of their options.
  • Student's Bathroom
    • This should include clear images of the bathroom that the student will have access to during their stay.
  • Living Room
    • This photo should showcase the living room or common area that will be accessible to the student(s).
  • Kitchen
    • This photo should showcase the kitchen area that will be accessible to the student(s).
  • Background, Neighborhood, etc.
    • This photo should capture the exterior view of your backyard, highlighting any features that may appeal to students. Additionally, you can include images of the surrounding neighborhood to provide a sense of the local environment.

We recommend that you provide at least 2 photos for each category listed above. You are allowed to upload up to 10 photos per section.

Consent Box

By checking this box, you are giving your consent for us to share your public profile with students seeking homestay accommodations in your area. Rest assured, we will always verify your availability and obtain your permission before sharing any personal contact information or location details with potential students.