Student Packing List

Need to know what to bring? Here's a checklist.

Packing List

Items To Bring

  • Health Forms: health insurance card, original physical exam record, original immunization record
  • Money (USD) - We suggest Guests bring a Debit or Credit Card that can be used in the United States.
  • Phone
  • All original documents: I-20 Form, Passport, Transcripts from home country/previous school (including your final and most current transcript)
  • Medication (For Guests under age 18 medication must be given to host upon arrival to their home)
  • Eyeglasses/contact lenses
  • Electronics and School Supplies: Electronic translator, Dictionary, Laptop, Converter
  • Appropriate clothes for the climate (check the weather for your new U.S. place of residence)

Items That You Should NOT Bring

  • Bedding, pillow, blankets, towels
  • Cooking utensils
  • Excessive amounts of food (we will do our best to locate a market that has your home country’s groceries)

During your travel, keep the following items with you at all times. Do NOT ship them.

  • I-20 Form
  • Passport and Visa
  • School Acceptance Letter with the school address 
  • Flight ticket
  • SRS Airport Pick-Up, Emergency and Host Family Contact Information

When you arrive at the airport customs in America, you should show the officer your:

  • I-20 Form Passport and Visa
  • School Acceptance Letter 
  • Flight ticket